Saturday, 2 March 2013

League Race #9 Announced

In an attempt to finish the season (perhaps a shorter one next eh) we're launching into the next points night next week.

The track
Amazingly we've never raced here! It's iconic, fast and should be epic. It's Tokyo Route 246 - that's the ballistic fast one...

What do I know about this track. Well, that start finish straight is probably one of the fastest bits of tracks in the game. To get down it though you have to look for that lamp post on the slight bend just before the finish line and aim for that, otherwise you're going to hit the outside of the track.
Also, take your time through the downhill tight track on the far right hand side (think 1-4 o'clock on the map above).
A fast car is going to get the straights, but the handling ones will do well too. Better I think is something that can get the power down and can hold a tight bend or two.

Here it is for real!

Oh and it's 15 laps with tyre wear on.

The cars
650Open time. We know them well. And they're back...

Remember, 15 laps with tyre wear on. Smart money will say have hard tyres as they'll last well on this open circuit, but maybe those softs will help early on.
Tactically, plan for 'fast' tyre wear, not extremely fast, and also consider that we'll likely have boost on low or off - I'd prefer off (following chats of the other night) but we are a league not a dictatorship! Let me know your thoughts.
Also, an endurance race equates to double points - well worth a bit of practice eh.

Official Details
Host: Andrew (Andyc709292)
Lounge: FCT GT5 Andrew
Date: 07-Mar-2013
Track: Route 246
Start time: 9:00 PM
Laps: 3
Cars: Fixed
Tyres: TBC
Boost: High

Host: Andrew
Start time: 9:15 PM
Track: Ruote 246
Laps: 15
Cars: 650Open
Tyres: Open - Tyre wear on
Boost: Low/None

That's it folks,
Race on!

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