Saturday, 24 March 2012

It's Gt500, not JGTC - Apparently...

Here's a question, do we all have a spare $950k?
If we do, then I reckon we could/should add another class to our already top season. Or maybe do a spin-off Super League mini-season.

Racing what?

Basically extend what I've been calling the JGTC Skyline and Supra into an all out Japanese race car series.

To be clear it would have to be Japanese brand racing cars (Toyota, Honda, Lexus, Nissan, etc) and looking at the cars we'd either have to limit PP to 580, or all agree on some cars not being suitable. Max appears to be around 590pp. Maybe not fast enough? I'd trial racing mediums, but probably go with open. Of course it would be all aids off except ABS.

Thinking that to include another class of cars in our 8 race season would spoil our ability to get some extended racing out of our various favourites. So probably something another night, but then we don't all have a lot of spare time do we.

Thoughts welcome on what we could do. Perhaps next season, so something to look forwards to and to start saving/practising for. Anyway, voting is to the right (according to the polls).

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