Tuesday, 6 December 2011

League night race 08-Dec Race 2

Another Race is upon us!
That's right, another night already, jeeze they come fast don't they..

Last week's non-league night was fun for sure. The Suzuka East course was another short circuit race track that seems to work so well with the shuffle racing.
In that race I maxed out the car option, so we were all getting reasonable fast cars - George's cobra being a good example, there was no way we were going to catch that on the straights.

But... here's a section of our charter:

General Driving Habits and Rules
Be Nice...

Drivers must avoid running into the cars in front of them, if a driver brakes too late and will run into the car behind them the options of bailing out into the grass, gravel or wall must be taken if available to them (Edit: hahahaha, right! But seriously, watch for brake lights).

The driver ahead must not 'brake check' the driver behind, that is; the driver must not brake maliciously in order to force the car behind to crash into them (edit: You’ll probably crash anyhow!). The ahead driver is allowed to brake early into corners and maintain the racing line

If contact does occur and the guilty driver gains place(s) in result of the contact the driver in question must move off the racing line, slow down and allow the innocent driver(s) pass and the next possible point of the racetrack, if this is not carried out then penalties may apply.

Drivers must respect whom has the racing line when turning into and coming out of a corner, the driver which has the inside of a corner has the entrance advantage, other drivers must respect the driving line and avoid a collision.

'nuff said, I think we all get a bit excited in the racing. Challenge in following is adjusting braking zones.

Anyway, moving on, we'll be back to usual set up for the next race and what a race it is.
At Suzuka, in the wet!

Race night official details:

Date: 08-Dec-2011
Lounge Open: 9:00 PM
Race Start: 9:15 PM
Lounge: FCT GT5 Andrew
Track: Suzuka (full) Wet
Laps: 5
Car: Subaru WRX (Selected from game garage - i.e. fixed)
Tyres: Wet

There'll be the usual no damage, boost on (it'll be high in this one as it's wet), penalties low etc.

It's a points race folks, so be there or be at the bottom of the league and endure the ongoing ridicule of your peers!

A word on the next non-league night (next week).
I'm away next week so can't host a race. Options are someone else's lounge, no race or do on-line B-spec racing. Personally I'd like to give the latter a go, I reckon it could be a laugh! Suggestions welcome.
Check the poll on the right to give feedback (go on, join in!) >>>>

Bernie out

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