Monday, 31 January 2022

I miss this

 I don't miss GT Shart. I never got on with that game. 

But GT6 and GT5. Yes. So much yes.

I'm not sure if it was the (what I now realise was) relaxed yet predictable physics, the easy-to-make courses - GT5 and its Toscana tracks were great driving, or if it was the tuning of the cars that did it, but I loved it.

I think probably the cafe racer style is it - I certainly enjoyed tuning cars up to being race-ready, although on reflection you could tune any car to being pretty much the same handling with the same gear.

Still, the memory is good. GT7 won't feature on my radar though, I've become a PC snob and am shifting my PS4 capable wheel. If only they would port it to PC too - go on Sony, you know you want to! (and you'll corner the market too!)

Surprisingly good fun!

One of my favourite cars - quick too for it's class.


It was possible to have some excellent, unique cars.

We raced V8s in a class. 4 doors, V8 and wing. This was a winning car (Sometimes)

Tune. Everything

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