Thursday, 9 September 2021

I made the news. Literally.

First off, points for counting the puns in that title. My finest work!

And the second bit of fine work would be an addition to a fine gentleman who records "let's play" sessions on Farm Sim 19.

Without getting too embroiled in my history and love of farming in general (and love of not having to do it, cos it's crazy hard work) I regularly watch a fellow, MrSealyP, play through various maps online.

It's very cathartic actually, he enjoys a chat and so along with some easy viewing, there's some easy listening...

But, high drama, an episode or so ago in the early stages of a new map he got his tractor stuck and said "that'll make the news"... and so it did.

Whilst I watched the rest of the episode I created a one-pager headlines page for the 'local rag' and submitted it to the channel's discord server.

And, I do feel privileged, it is featured in the next episode!


I'm humbled and thrilled about this. Not sure I'll do another one, other than fake news (and there's enough of that) then there's not too much material. We'll see...

And in the meantime, here is the news!

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