Saturday, 21 September 2019

Better late then neveRfactor

In our quest to find a PC game that is...
a. Able to run on average equipment.
b. Not pricey
c. Pretty solid
and most challenging of all...
d. has some AI component so a full race can be had...

we found Rfactor2...

Courtesy of Steam and Studio-397 (what happened to the other 396!!!)

But it's not PS4 and Pcars2 (can't believe I'm calling that easy!)... SitRep time:
  1. Purchased game
  2. Installed fast! (tm) 
  3. Updated not so fast... much time later*
  4. Had a go, fine, but more cars/tracks as this is a mod max game
  5. Steam workshop - tick all the boxes!
  6. Yah, restarting the game, taking a lot longer now as it downloads 37Gb of updates.
  7. And all good... but...
  8. Don't like the in-car dash, nowhere near enough geekery to sort, so opt for plug-in upgrade.
  9. ... and game death.
  10. OnError GoTo 2.
So currently on Lap 2 of installation and we've had an emergency pit-in for rebuild...

And I've not started on servers and AI yet - I suspect that'll be hard too.

Overall - Buy a console, buy a decent wheel, buy a decent game, buy some beer and be racing within a very short time indeed. Or go PC and get the metaphorical bonnet up on your tech.

*Much time: My current unit of measurement is episodes of Red Dwarf - it took two, rounded down.
For reference: there are four PS3 Skyrim loads per Red Dwarf and ten Red Dwarfs per Windows 10 initial install. However, post-install is Microsoft minutes - which vary between nothing at all really to "going to bed to see if it has restarted when I get up" minutes...

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