Saturday, 22 February 2014

Race results

Quick update today with the race results. More on the next race when I upload the crazy Matterhorn replay!

Official Results

What these results don't talk about is how errr different these tracks were. I don't think any of us have ever enjoyed Big Willow (maybe in a different context). It's slippery, with tight corners and load of over brow badness. Actually, much like the 'other context'.

Other news
You'd think after so many seasons we'd have it sorted. But I'm going to amend the charter:

Issue: Disconnects in Qualifying.
Resolution: When a driver is disconnected during a qualifying the room owner/race organiser can call for a practice/race scenario with final qualifying order.
This means that qualifying will continue, with the disconnected driver(s) reconnecting and waiting. Once qualifying is completed the places will be noted and the race type changed to practice/race.
In open practice the cars will assemble on the first lap in qualifying order and disconnected drivers will assemble at the back of the line in disconnect order (first disconnect first etc.).
Once the grid is in formation the race organiser will start the race.
Where a driver passes the field (including the race organiser doing that sideways with full brakes and lock on, ooops) a verbal call will be made to continue or reassemble - assuming enough track remains on the open lap.

This would resolve the issues that Paul had, at least to the point of gaining a point. If you get my point.

Otherer News
In even more other news, we now have a domain URL! And being the stingy s.o.a.b that I am I used a/the free one: Time to sit back and bask in the glory of being the top search result in Google. At least for anyone searching for GTQLD, which in fairness is just me.

GT5 End of Life
It's interesting reading comparision reviews between GT5 and GT6 - there seems to be a world of difference, but some might like to revisit their 500+ car garage...
If you do, then you need to read this:
It's instruction on how to ensure that you can still use your DLC, which checks back to the servers, which are turning off in April.
Basically, add the family gaming download and all is good. I'll just be off to do that then...

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