Sunday, 6 October 2013

Bits in the boot...

Unlike the 1994/5 Alfa Romeo Touring cars the bits in my boot aren't go faster things.
The story with them was that basically you had to have a BTCC car that matched the silhouette of the road car - so when you bought a 155 Alfa it came with some extra rear spoiler bits to raise it - in the boot.

These cars in fact:

Anyway, today, it seems that I've messed about and achieved very little other than getting to know my car and the 'Ron'. I do know that parking a car in the sun all day doesn't make it easier to crawl around.

So why 'the boot'?

Altogether too much high capacity red cable kicking about. That at least has been easy to remove. But, horrors... that little black box looks remarkably like some sort of immobiliser. Certainly it was/is wired to the battery. But then it gets weird. It also seems to be wired into the rear number plate light too.
I hope it's a remote central looking kit - which would be handy as mine still doesn't unlock on the key (I wonder, connected?). I also know I'm not game to go pulling wires out and see without being able to start the car  (remember no radiator so no running).

What have I achieved - well the dash in my car looks a lot tidier now, there's a stereo waiting to go in and generally the interior is around 90% sorted I'd say. I'll take a pic once I'm happy that it's good enough.

[edit] Finished fitting the stereo, complete with power aerial isolator switch - why? because I had a switch that's why. Here it is:

Not exciting to anyone but me who's had a two day fight to get this somewhere near where it is (fixing a few other things along the way of course).
What's left in the cabin?

  • Throttle bushes - sat on my shelf.
  • Gear Knob and boot - $80 from ebay, five minute fit (there, tempted fate).
  • Plastic gutter guards etc - I have two of everything so not concerned...
  • A set of 6x9 speakers for the shelf - all ready to go, wired and mounting points are in there.
  • Fix the horn either by fixing the wooden monstrosity or buy a new steering wheel - xmas treat I think.
Once that quite minor list is done I'm going to be pretty happy with the interior being fit for purpose. I'd like to wire in a fan override and activity light simply because I don't want to cook my engine, but that's a future world thing.

Happy days.

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