I'll be going on the 10th. So anyone who can make it, I can give a lift from my place. Drop me a line!
Last year we had showers, but that didn't detract from the event significantly, plenty of historic and contemporary racing going on.
I'd say think of it as your local Goodwood festival of speed, but that might be overdoing it a bit. Mind you, as a bitumen drag up a hill it's pretty great, and there are plenty of vantage points.
Order of the day will be:
- Leave my place around 7:30am (unless it 's raining, see below).
- Take the following:
- A red cagoule so you look like a car nerd. (or something similar I suppose).
- Something to eat, there was a reasonable cafe, but it's at the bottom of the hill.
- A camera - you can walk the pits. Fast shutter/SLR for racing shots or you'll be disappointed.
- Maybe something to sit on - even a basic sheet or similar, it gets tiring standing all day.
- Racing finishes at 4pm, I'm planning on staying the distance unless it's raining (see below).
Oh no it's raining!
If it's raining I'll be watching the radar for an hour, if it's typical monsoon then no racing. If it's patchy showers then I'll be going. So leaving around 8:30.
This folks, is one of the better motoring events of the year in this region and has the capacity to be an excellent day's outing.
If you're driving, my advice is to head for Sunrise Road - it's at the top of the hill and generally speaking is easier to get into and out of (you can hook in from the Bruce easily enough).
Hope you can make it,