Monday, 19 August 2013

Sunset Season Details

League update time folks.

I've updated the charter to include the Group B (GB500) class, that's the only charter change to date.
I've also updated the stats on the right to reflect the new season, and of course we have a new race calendar (see below).

Basically we're ready to roll from Mid September onwards, as is traditional we have a bit of a break around about now - and I'm off around Australia again in a few weeks too, so waiting until after then.

Do check the links, over on the RHS - there's a fair bit of effort into this blog, enjoyable as it is I do it for you lot!

Race season
So here it is, do you have your slide rule handy?

Yes, click to zoom in.

What's different about this season?

  • Exotiques are back (587pp road cars if you're not sure).
  • Only two endurance races.
  • Group B replaces Clubman.
  • One make racing in the off nights.
  • Back to back weeks, to cram in a longer season.
  • Different tracks/cars on the night - much more complex.
Group B
Do email me pics of your GB500 car in the next week - I'll do a post of them before the 19th which is their first race and the start of the season.
If I don't get a car from you I'll assume you're not racing GB500, or at least not contributing to points, get a car spec/pic to me ASAP!

So far I know:
  • I'm in an S15 RM (bad, bad car).
  • Chris is in a Subaru rally car.
  • Evan is in a Lotus RM.
  • Paul (I think) has the Mitsubishi RM
Wrap up
That's about it folks, a new season, more points, more of everything in fact, and only marginally overshadowed by the release of GT6 - think we'll get the season completed before then?
Only thing left to say is that we're well down on racer numbers for this season, I have to assume that Rod isn't racing (didn't make a single race this season) and Luke is travelling. Please do ask friends and family to join in - I can add them any time, but they'll of course only get the points for the races they join in with.

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