Sunday, 31 March 2013

2013 Sports Season - Starts Here

It's back folks.
Not a long break eh...

Perhaps I just couldn't wait. Certainly I wanted to get the racing back under way again so we don't all get bored of racing...

Ethos of the season
A few of you (me included actually) have commented on the length of the season. And certainly last season dragged on.
Also, we've got a bit boring in our racing, one week on, one week off. It worked for a while to ensure that we had a good turnout on race nights, but perhaps the same people were winning too much or something, but the attrition in this season has been pretty high.
So, this season is more about enjoying racing, having a thrash and really just getting into a mix of cars and trying them out against other racers online.

Race types
The following race types will be in play:
  • Set Race - clubman on steroids. No choice in car, I'll pick.
  • Thrash - Just that, we'll get cars, race them, pick tracks and race them too. All on the night.
  • Multi-class - This is all classes in ascending order doing practice/hot laps. Fastest wins!
  • Sprint Race - Shorter races, in single class. Your typical race really.
  • Enduro - Full on endurance racing, tyre wear the lot. We do enjoy these!

The cars we're racing are a mix of all the classes we've done, plus some no-point specials that either I can supply for a night or you can buy and tune. I'd encourage those that enjoy the tuning to share the skill with those that don't.
Core classes in this season are:

Check the calendar for more detail on the special racers required.

Race Calendar
The season is much shorter this time, half as much in fact. Overall there's only five points nights. We've talked about no points racing at all, but I think we'd just get bored of driving around without the push to win a season. But it is less paramount now.
What I've done is make three of the five races endurance races, so basically points where the nights might drag on. Hopefully you'll like it:

Comments on the season are most welcome, I'm happy to consider changing it.

You'll notice that there are many 'thrash' nights, this is bring back casual racing somewhat. Also, there are some no-points race nights, this is to try out some other forms of racing (Targa, Rally etc) so we get to enjoy the whole spectrum of racing in the game.

Details in the right hand side panels will be updated as soon as Google fix a bug in blog lists. pah!

Let me know what you think folks.

Race on!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

A little something something for the easter weekend

I stumbled across this vid on a brilliant site with a great selection of articles and videos from yesterdays motorsport.

This screams the new HRC460 class to me.  
5 minutes of pure historic joy.  Full screen and full noise recommend:)

What's small than a Mini?  A slightly compressed mini.  Good news is driver was ok.  From a historic meet at Lakeside 2 weekends ago.

On that note, a story from a sprint meet earlier this year at Lakeside.  A honda went into the wall under the bridge and 000 was promptly called(more precautionary than anything, driver ok with a bit neck pain).  Ambulance and police were dispatched to what was logged as a traffic accident.  The police felt obliged to write it up and determining the accident was the result of excessive speed.....

Finally, a neat little animated clip - Evolution of the F1 Car

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The final finale finally. Race #10 & Season Results

Well, that's that then.

Finally we finished the season. And a long old season it's become. We've lost a few on the way through... Rod, Paul - are you still interested. Almost had a resurgence - Baloo? and ended up with a core of racers that has just about kept us afloat.

But you slackers, you missed an epic final race of the season...

Race round up.

We've had the SLS Mercs before, but they were so well suited to Nurburgring it was unreal. We did a single lap race (forgetting to turn off tyre wear too) and I think we four finished within probably five seconds. Perfect racing. What's more the lap was around 7m30s so not too shabby either. We'll race those cars again for sure...
Surprise win for me, and that gave me the clubman cup. I'd have not bet on winning that all through the season, but I think it's fair to say that the stock car racing has been great fun with many different winners all through the season.

This was the do or die race for me - if I won and Chris was at the back I'd have taken the title. So mostly die then...

Tyre wear was set to normal, which for seven laps of the 'ring was about right. It allowed for some strategy, that being Med>Med at the half way mark which seemed sensible and Chris's plan which ultimately paid off which was Hard>Soft. I'm sure that the catch up played a part in all this (was on low) but in reality we all knew the rules and it worked for all of us in some way or other.

Chris, I think that the late pit was a great gamble - another lap and you'd have been toast, but the catch up speed on fresh tyres totally paid off with Evan and I on worn medium tyres.

But of the race - I'll upload a video at some point, if you can watch a 50minute video of four cars racing... You should as it was seriously good fun. I think that everyone pressed for the lead if not had it outright for a period of time. And certainly that track has some interesting characteristics - being smooth is not one of them.

Special mentions to Luke and Evan. Luke for a storming drive and a fair crack at winning the race actually, you were right in the mix. And Evan for having a car that went like a rocket - straight. Or something... You've gone from Schumacher to Senna chap. Mind you, looking at the racing I think the problem was that your car was faster into corners, and marginally faster down the straights, but mine was faster through and out of corners. So several laps were spent with you barrelling past me into corners, losing it as I zipped past and then collecting it for the next corner based assault. Great stuff.

Official Result

Clubman (by poll - might have forgotten to record them!).
1. Andrew
2. Chris
3. Luke
4. Evan

1. Chris
2. Andrew
3. Luke
4. Evan

Season Results

SuperStars 2012 Season Results

93 Points - Chris
84 Points - Andrew
61 Points - Evan
51 Points - Luke
45 Points - Paul
17 Points - Simon
11 Points - George
09 Points - Roderick
05 Points - Baloo

Clubman Championship Results
38 Points - Andrew
34 Points - Chris
33 Points - Evan
23 Points - Luke
19 Points - Paul
09 Points - George
07 Points - Simon
05 Points - Roderick
03 Points - Baloo

What's next...
Well I'm away for a bit now, so nothing till after Easter to be honest. Though the room is open and able to be  used in my absence.

What I do know is that next season will focus on fun a bit more, and be shorter - this has become laborious.
It'll also likely make use of all our classes, which are:
587PP (Exotique)
GT590 (to be GT590.4)

Sounds complicated? It isn't really - five cars ready to roll is not too hard in this game. More on the classes and a league charter update to follow as I sort out the details.

Also expect Clubman to continue and perhaps some rally cars.

Rod, Paul, Baloo - Let me know if you want a place in the next season please.
And, I'm touting for new racers - we may have a few next season, which will be splendid.

Race on!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

League Race #9 Results

Hi Folks,
Short update this week. I think a season of 10 races pushes the interest envelope a touch too far...
Video to follow once I've got some data allocation back.

Race Round-up.

We started with the Evo thingy, too much understeer. So we went to the Zonda R. Too much everything steer... Mad car. 651pp in fact, and lower spec tyres made for a race of attrition. And in that, Evan lost out. mate your lead in the series is slim now at best, get your Internet sorted before the finale!
But of the Zonda race? Well, we now have driving line as an optional aid for those that don't know the track. I don't think it'll make much of a difference to the lead racers - I'd like to think that we don't use it, but for those more occasional racers I think it'll help.
The race? meh, too hard with those cars, and that was with a progressive throttle. Kudos to those that use a controller.

Championship Race
Top race folks. I was proper gutted at losing, but it was my own fault for pushing too hard with worn tyres. I could see Chris, Evan and Luke in front, and there was only a slim chance of passing - ruined by over exuberance on one of the corners and having to back out of the wall. Still, Evan saved the day, a spin in the last corner gave me a third. Close enough.
Special mention to Luke. Dude that was a fantastic drive. To be challenging for the win in a race with such strong contenders as Chris and Evan (more on that in a minute though) is top effort.
Special mention to Simon. That there is tenacity. I promise that we'll have some more sensible clubman races for you to get into - being new to the game, the circuit and the cars was a challenge and alas it showed. But damn good show to stick with it!
Final special mention to Evan. Throttle link issues chap? Yup, damn near a podium complete with mechanical  issues. Legend.

Official Results

1. Chris
2. Andrew
3. Luke
4. Simon
5 Evan (DNF)

1. Chris
2. Luke
3. Andrew
4. Evan
5. Simon

Absent friends
Paul, Rod, Baloo - let me know if you want in next season please. It's great to have a good racing field when we can. George, assuming you'll be on when you can.

Next (this) week
We have TC500 and GT590 races with no points this week, around London reverse. Maybe some 587pp racing too. Simon I'll gift you a car you use (don't break any you have).
And, Simon, read this on how to download gifts.

That's all folks.

Race on!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Race #8 Replay

Enjoy folks. Please, enjoy, it's over a Gb upload (and remember to select 720p if your player isn't automatically doing so).

And just because, here's some more of the HRC460 cars:

So nice, so not a winner...

Not as good as it looks

You want 4wd, mid engine? You got it - all the group B cars!

Possibly my current favourite car in the class

Saturday, 2 March 2013

League Race #9 Announced

In an attempt to finish the season (perhaps a shorter one next eh) we're launching into the next points night next week.

The track
Amazingly we've never raced here! It's iconic, fast and should be epic. It's Tokyo Route 246 - that's the ballistic fast one...

What do I know about this track. Well, that start finish straight is probably one of the fastest bits of tracks in the game. To get down it though you have to look for that lamp post on the slight bend just before the finish line and aim for that, otherwise you're going to hit the outside of the track.
Also, take your time through the downhill tight track on the far right hand side (think 1-4 o'clock on the map above).
A fast car is going to get the straights, but the handling ones will do well too. Better I think is something that can get the power down and can hold a tight bend or two.

Here it is for real!

Oh and it's 15 laps with tyre wear on.

The cars
650Open time. We know them well. And they're back...

Remember, 15 laps with tyre wear on. Smart money will say have hard tyres as they'll last well on this open circuit, but maybe those softs will help early on.
Tactically, plan for 'fast' tyre wear, not extremely fast, and also consider that we'll likely have boost on low or off - I'd prefer off (following chats of the other night) but we are a league not a dictatorship! Let me know your thoughts.
Also, an endurance race equates to double points - well worth a bit of practice eh.

Official Details
Host: Andrew (Andyc709292)
Lounge: FCT GT5 Andrew
Date: 07-Mar-2013
Track: Route 246
Start time: 9:00 PM
Laps: 3
Cars: Fixed
Tyres: TBC
Boost: High

Host: Andrew
Start time: 9:15 PM
Track: Ruote 246
Laps: 15
Cars: 650Open
Tyres: Open - Tyre wear on
Boost: Low/None

That's it folks,
Race on!