Sunday, 12 August 2012

League Race #0 - Results

Brief update today folks.
Reason, I learned a new word over the weekend - "Metacarpus" and more specifically the fifth one on my left hand and what happens when you break it.
Turns out biking is dangerous mmmkay. And typing with a cast on is no fun.

1. Andrew
2. Luke
3. Chris

I think it was in that order for both races - there's no points in this race so it doesn't really matter but shame it was such a small field, the S2000 AEM racers are a good drive.

All Stop:
Well, not only the inauspicious start to the season, but also I'm facing six weeks in plaster so a steering wheel is out (and I can't drive with a controller) and I'm thinking that the league might get put on hold for a month.
Certainly this week will be a trial in my temporary cast... next points night - we'll see.

I think I can sum up my thoughts at the moment in one word... Bugger!

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