Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Monza Replay...

To help get the blood flowing for our final race of the season, I've uploaded the Monza race replay for review.
I have to say, it's some of the best motorsport I've seen in a long time. There's everything, strategy (who can forget George's almost brilliant 3 stop strategy), carnage (at one point nearly the whole field has an incident - dust and smoke everywhere), excuses (.. but but Luke was across the track) and of course some serious racing.
I'll probably watch this race a few times to be honest, the top four in the race had some epic racing going on, and with such a long race everyone got in the mix at some point.
Don't forget to up the quality, I upload at 480p to get the best mix of size and quality I can (I only record at 520p, and this doesn't lose much from that).

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