Sunday, 10 June 2012

Drift club - Lesson III - Group Drift.

First rule of Drift Club... learn to drift.

Anyway, George got online for a spell the other night when I was online so we naturally drifted into err, drifting. And much fun was had.

I used my skyline, not because it's a good drift car but because I can drive it sideways - which isn't drift as I'm finding out, just a lot of smoke. And here's a four lap session:

The one thing I'm noticing in my style, and this is bad for drift but I like it, is that I'm not using the handbrake at all - every sideways action is a Scandinavian flick and power on. This is why it works so well with a 4wd and makes me useless with a 2WD - practice on making the car steer using the rear is something I need to do.

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