Tuesday, 17 April 2012

This Thursday...

Mash up time folks.

If only because there's now quite the season ahead of us and a bit of mixing it up might be a good idea. Expect on Thursday:
  • Some shuffle racing - track car spec to be decided on the night.
  • A sprint race with TC500 cars.
  • A sprint race with Exotique cars.
  • A sprint race with the 650Open cars.
  • A test session on next week's Toscana course (yet to be built).
  • Instruction on how to download it as your very own.
So lots on - totally open to suggestion (err about racing) so don't be shy. But I can tell you that karts won't be featuring any time soon....

And speaking of karts...
Check the post about Super GT below - closest we'll get to having them I can tell you. Serious fun. If we all have one we'll race them on Thursday.

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