Tuesday, 24 April 2012

FCT GT5 League Race #2

Hi folks,
Due to an overwhelming amount of feedback saying we should move the race back a week we've changed the date for the "Road Festival" race.
New date is: 03-May-2012.

Official details:
Host: Andrew
Date: 03-May-2012
Start time: 9:00 PM
Race starts: 9:15 PM
Lounge: FCT GT5 Andrew
Track: FCT GT5 Toscana Track #3 (shared out)
Laps: 4
Cars: Exotique (587pp Road Cars)
Tyres: Open

As a guide, this track is the one we raced last week - now shared in my profile.

How do you get it to practice on?
  • Go to community.
  • Select me, I'm at the top, naturally.
  • Select tracks, bottom left (like where you'd find your own designed tracks).
  • My shared one is in there, download it.
  • Go back to GT Life, i.e. the non-community GT5.
  • Go into your tracks and it should be there.
  • Easy!
I'll upload a hot lap in the next few days. I've been practising and 2:10 is a good laptime target. If you're doing well then a 2:05 is possible, though I reckon besting that will take some practice.

What should you be setting your car to?
I did pretty much this to my 458:
  • Raised the suspension from -15 to -10
  • Dropped the dampers back to 6/6 for compression/rebound, front and rear.
  • Dropped the gearing back to max at 199mph
  • Softened the springs to 11 front and rear.
  • Added more wing on the back
  • Removed all ballast (what got it down to 587pp)
  • Dropped the power to bring it back to 587pp.
Essentially, despite there being some fast straights in this race I reckon it's going to be won or lost in the (many) bends. Indeed what made it a top race last week was sitting behind one of you lot then squeezing past on a short straight - a sprint attack car is needed for that...
Of course, all moot if someone pulls out a km on the straights I suppose!

Race on!

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