Thursday, 3 November 2011

It's back folks...

FCT GT5 Series kicks off on the 10th of November.

What's new? Not much really, here are the changes to the splendiferous rules from the last season (that failed along with the PS Network earlier in the year).

  • Races night is Thursday night.
  • Alternate weeks are league nights and non-league nights (more about that in a minute).
  • Because the FIA works so well, we're introducing similar.
  • This means that tracks will be chosen for their racing merit - no round robin selection.
  • Marketing and monitoring of the series will be down to a 'president'- Jean Todt style...
Somehow I'm thinking of this right now:

  • Alternate weeks will be open racing based on PP points, some weeks it'll be many points, some less so, really a mix to give us an enjoyable experience to fully explore GT5's racing capabilities...
  • Race night will be in the old format:
  • 9:00pm start
  • 9:15 race start
  • Turn up and start you'll get a point etc etc. It's all in the previous rules.
The Charter can be found here

Who's welcome?
Anyone in Flight Centre for the first no-points race, we'll see how we go with numbers, if we need to open it up to a wider audience we'll do that before the next race.

What else is going on that's going to make this special?
I'm looking into saved replays that can be shared out internally - stand by...

When does this fantastic opportunity get to present itself to us?
First race is the no-points practice race on 10 November.
First points league race is 24 November.

Make the date, make the grade, make the grid look busier than a council car park on the weekend.

Let me know if you're in before the 10th.

Andrew 'Ecclestone' Collett.

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