Tuesday, 12 October 2021

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Saturday, 2 October 2021

Upgrade your Rim


You might be the owner of the fantastic Fanatec Porsche 918 rim - suitable for racing in all positions and classes with the shift lights that can be seen from space...

Possibly like me, you’ve considered upgrading the 918 rim’s shifters, they’re smooth, but not ‘snick/click’ like a shifter should be, in my opinion.

To cut to the chase, I bought some of the cheaper magnetic upgrades of eBay, it’s a bolt-on accessory so no harm no foul, etc.

Fitting, easy. Four bolts + a bit of fettling of the 3D printing that was ‘ok’ spec at best.

But, the magnets aren’t touching the shifters – so no click. On reflection, I’m divided on this as it’s kept it all quiet (midnight racing goodness), but then again I’ve not got a definitive click on pulling.

I think there’s more weight, but it’s a bit like putting a K&N on your car – it goes faster because you’re trying harder to notice…

Overall, would I do it again? No. The risk of something bad happening (threading the plastic hole that the M3’s go in, something else breaking) is actually not worth the return on the particular set I got. It’s not a monumental upgrade.

I might be saving for the proper upgrade, they do look good.

You had so much potential

A late post edit to this...

On the 918 wheel you can adjust the shifters fore and aft with a few turns of adjustment. I did this and now these are nearly my favourite addition to the overall sim rig - my shifters snick and click as I wanted them too. And it's very noticeable.

Happy Days!