Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Nerd Alert (and not the sugary snack sort)

You all know I enjoy gaming. But did you know I enjoy watching it?
Rather than watch overpaid actors following a script a good commentator working through a decent game is much more fun.

And a game that fascinates me, but is largely unwatchable, is Eve Online. Why? Well, firstly it's a MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) and is set in space. And it's huge, really huge.

For instance, four years ago there was a space battle where various 'clans' came together and had a sorting out. This involved an online battle in which assets (spaceships) that were actually bought by players were destroyed. The upshot... US$300k of lost ships. I.e. real money.

See all those little lights, they're ships. It was called the Bloodbath of B-R5RB, exciting name innit.
7,548 players over 21 hours, basically it was an epic thing played out in a virtual universe.

Why do I post this? Because that's the small war, or it might be as there was unsettled nonsense then and as a result there's a US$1million battle in the offing. Like kids toeing up and going to the bike shed after class, some thousands of players online are doing the same...

This thread talks all about it
This forum is ablaze about it
This is where you watch it

What's this got to do with motor racing, nothing, but it's my excuse for being a bit tired over the next few days - I want to see things unfold!

p.s. no I don't have any ships to get blown up, tempting as it is!

Update: What happened? Nothing, nada, zip. Well, a fair bit, but essentially a paltry assault on an impenetrable fortress resulted in a strategic withdrawal. Wasn't exciting. Wasn't $1m in funds lost.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

I need to start wearing a full body sweat band or something...

Favourite online racer of the moment going large with the 935...

"You're just not driving the car right"

Nuff said: