Monday, 14 August 2017

My Hero

Well, not my hero all out, that's David Hasselhoff for reasons I can't go into...
Anyway, Evan, Callum (Bushby) and I all met up at Lakeside to watch the Lakeside Classic at the weekend and a spirited bit of racing it truly was.

With an eclectic mix of racing there was plenty going on, though in the first TA2 race what promised to be a fantastic race thanks to the ingredients (V8s, tube frame chassis, plastic shells and err racecar stuff) turned out to be mostly line-astern racing.
Maybe due to the tight track, the fact they're epic fast (so no mistakes mmmkay) or perhaps that this guy below wasn't in the running in that race...
You see, number 88, Harris Racing, started at the back in the second race, then made a damn fine attempt to be at the front, and almost made it. What's more, he recorded every sordid lap of himself proving identical cars aren't:

Actually everyone is my hero today, including this chap who I just found online too. Watch the vids and let them know they're great racers!

And an overly artistic rendition too...

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

I blame the Playstation Generation

I mean I do, but I don't actually have any issue with the general hoonery that this is...

In Assetto race news this week we'll be doing some class based racing - so those faster than the rest of us (Ace, that's you that is) will get a slower car, or at least that's the plan....