Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Race #4 Results (and WTF happened to Race #5?)

Hi All,
Race #4 results first.

So not so many folks online in the first race, and compounded by my dropping out. And that doesn't tell the tale of me winning into the final lap. Tsukuba likes 4wd cars and my Evo loved that race. At least against an M5 and a Carlton, which in fairness both were overly competitive in any case, despite Bismark proportions.
Still, about the closest I've come in recent years to throwing a controller at the screen I think. bah!

Race #5
Thanks PSN. Thanks for dropping all of us like dog eggs from a collie after eating a box of after eight mints.
Racing was not to be, and it was the last race of the TC500s, I had a good feeling about that race too, my Jaaaag would have been well suited to those tracks and so long as a couple of our drivers had aneurysms I'd have been in there.

Next race
Well we have a choice...
We can have the missing race of last week - and I know we'll all have cars for that.
Or we can do the DTM racing that is in the calendar. Tempting!

Personally, being the stickler for control that I'm not, I'd say we do the DTM thing. I'll send a PSN out shortly.

If we don't have the cars for this we'll fall back to TC500 which we all know and love.

DTM Rules
It's all about the rules eh.
As per the calendar:

  • German Road/Race car; or
  • DTM Race car
  • 580pp
  • TC allowed
  • Racing Med Tyres (made this bit up).

So we have (probably) a new driver. Alex (FrenchieBMX) is a colleague from work who's finally sorted his Internet connection so can race on. He's new to GT6, which basically means I'm now going to be scoring 2 points in a race for a while. Woohoo!
Seriously, welcome to Alex and hope you enjoy the racing.
Avid readers of the blog will have seen him rousting around on his BMX in a video posted a while back.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Race#3 Results

The results are in, and they are thus:

What this doesn't do justice to though is the ongoing love affair (not Bro enough?) with the TC500 class.
I think this will be the last season we have the FWD/2-Door rule though, the Renault and for that matter the Civic are just too fast. Anyone who's spent time in GT6 using a FWD car will know that they handle so much better than they did in GT5. And the 4 door rule is great - the cars are compromised somewhere in their makeup, so cars are fast in different places.

I'm sad though, I should have been a better contender at Bathurst. I have to blame the spin I had, and I've made it worse by un-mapping my instant reverse button.I didn't think it would matter now that one can simply bang down the box, but in a race it's seconds spent trying to get from 5th down to reverse.
Re-map time I think. But in fairness that wasn't why I was so far down the field. Mostly it was because you lot are better drivers. Dammit!

Replay er yes. To follow...

Next race
Interesting short track this next race, I wonder if it's the 4wd time to shine...

And Trial Mountain - these cars love Trial Mountain.

Great season folks, race on!

Lights... camera... inaction

Sit rep...

As you'll have seen from a previous post I had the cabling to sort the lights, behold:

We have working lights, at least at the front!

Next weekend is 'run the car around the block' weekend - we'll see...